Privacy and new media is a hot topic today. One thing off the top of my head was how ethical the app Snapchat. Snap Chat allows you to send photos and videos to your friends that display for up to 10 seconds. Than after 10 seconds they are not viewable and deleted from your phones. However they are not deleted from Snapchat servers. Now this was seen as a problem because the average user thinks their photos are deleted once it disappears. Now I'm sure this was in the privacy statement they issued but the average person does not go through pages upon pages of legal text that's hard to decipher. This is why I feel like company's that use or keep your data should alert you directly. Privacy is a very sensitive issue and many people would like to remain private online. Facebook is starting to step up its privacy procedures at it is making it easier for people to set up and be AWARE of their privacy settings. Sometimes on my news feed Facebook shares videos that show allowed me to be aware of who can see my post and so on and how to change certain settings so they can only be viewable to friends. At the end of the day if us users of new media want to remain private we should partake in apps and websites that can invade our privacy. It is up to us to have trust in the company.
Privacy is one of those things that is not real in this world. The bottom line is that the only privacy you have is in your mind and once this information is released into the world it is no longer private. By using social media sites, we have given up our privacy and creativity and allowed these corporations to exchange our likeliness for money from services that require consumer information. At the end of the day it is a necessary evil to sell privacy by these corporation since otherwise they would not make the revenue necessary to keep the business functioning