Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Since I will be graduating soon, what I am about to suggest would of helped me throughout my 4 years of Baruch. I feel like we could use new media to start a forum or discussion board that would be part of Baruch Library. In this discussion board or forum, you can have students and faculty helping each other out. Whether it be students inquiring about a class that they are interesting in, they can get feedback from other students as well as teachers. Even if the person is unsure about what degree they should get or what minor to take, they can just ask in the forum and hopefully someone else whose been through the same experience can offer some insight. Another thing that I have noticed is that many classes do not utilize the discussion board in blackboard. Many of my lecture classes at Baruch the teacher barely used blackboard. If we can get teachers to encourage students to use the discussion board within blackboard so they can discuss about what they have learned in the class so far and if they have any other questions with the class that would be great.

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