Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Next New thing

If I had the next new media idea, I would possibly be rich. But off the top of my head, I think that virtual reality will be the next new thing. By virtual reality I mean devices you put over your head that allow you to experience the world differently. Imagine playing a video game in any given environment. Imagine feeling like you in a forest and you are trying to find your way out or driving a race car racing other people. That would be really fun and I believe with the advances of technology this will all soon be possible and hopefully affordable to the average person. To add on to this, virtual reality can incorporate your friends or anyone within the world into it. So you can be racing your friends in the car next to you.


  1. If you invent this device, you will definitely be rich! Cheer on! You can do it! LOL

  2. Oculus seems very similar to your idea of virtual reality. But imagine how cool it would be if the player was able to experience such feelings as speed, rain and other surroundings? I agree, though, virtual reality has a bright future.

  3. I agree with Linda that Oculus Rift is similar to this idea. It allows the users to experience real life gaming in a virtual world. Although virtual gaming has became very popular, the price for these equipment is very expensive and very few people can incorporate it into their every day lives.

  4. I always thought about this concept with first person shooting games. How cool would it to reenact something that you thought could only be in the fantasy world. Imagine living as the character in call of duty. I also think there could be a downside of those who take these virtual realities too seriously.
