Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Some of the most popular social networking sites are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Linked-in. One can even argue that Snapchat is a social networking site because you can share your "snaps" to all of your friends. Lets start with Facebook. Out of all the listed, I think Facebook is more of the formal one because this is where you post pictures of your friends and family. You can update your statuses and even talk to your friends with the built in chat features. Now lets look at Twitter. The primary purpose of twitter is to "tweet" your followers about anything you want like your mood and what you think about something. Its more to get your message out quickly. Next is Instagram. This is where you share your photos you take to the world or your followers. People can like and comment on them. I would say this is less formal than Facebook as you would post pictures of anything you think is cool. Lastly, is Linked-in. This is where you market yourself for the professional world. It allows others to view your professional profile that can you help land jobs. At the end of the day, these social networking sites are similar at the core as they allow you to communicate with others over the internet.

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