Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Digital Divide


           I found the "digital divide" to be an interesting topic because I wanted to see if the so called "gap" is being closed as technology is getting cheaper and more people are easily being able to access information. What is the digital divide? Simply put, according to technopedia.com, the digital divide refers to the difference between people who have easy access to the internet and those who do not. But I think there are different factors to consider. Mainly the differences between developed, developing, and emerging nations within regards to the internet. In fact, I remember back in the early 2000's when dial up internet was a big thing in regards to the average American family being able to access the internet. Looking back onto that, dialup internet was painfully slow compared to the needs of us Americans today. Now in third world countries, dialup internet might be the only affordable way the average family can access the internet and we can clearly see the gap.
